Beta Testing Results 24.12.2021


 Beta Testing (Red vs Blue) 22 - 23.12.2021. 
(Click on Image to enlarge)

After weeks of rigorous testing, it is safe to say all the effort put into optimising the QR.EASY across all platforms has finally paid off. I'm glad to report that the beta tests (even running a less optimized version of the app). Here are the results: 

💻 Development OS: macOS Monterey

📱 Mobile OS: iOS and iPad OS 13+ (Lead development platform)

RAM consumption averages at about 365.43 Mb which is excellent, and in accordance with resource consumption of modern day mobile apps (which is roughly at about 400Mb)

CPU % consumption averages at about 17.9% which is excellent from a resource consumption perspective given that it ensures end users can easily multi-task without the fear of experiencing slowdowns. 

QR.EASY Beta Testing 22 - 23.12.2021. 
(Click on Image to enlarge)

These early test results are very positive considering this build is yet to undergo further platform specific optimizations.

Stay tuned for more.


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